Wednesday, March 24, 2010

For Friday March 26th

Answer either (or both for extra credit) of the following questions:
  • Compare and contrast the work of Millet and Courbet. How did they visually respond to the social climate of their period?
  • Discuss the similarities and differences between two Impressionist painters. (not Post Impressionist)
2-3 paragraphs

1 comment:

Áine said...

Manet and Monet were two painters that nearly share the same name. However, their works and styles are quite different in many regards. Manet and Monet both were 19th century artists whose art shaped the Impressionistic movement. Both of their styles were rather painterly in nature. They both were revolutionary in their own right. Manet’s subjects included a powerful courtesan, quite a shock for many viewers. Monet’s landscapes utilized a completely new style of painting involved dots as brushstrokes, capturing a moment in time.
Despite these similarities, Manet and Monet’s works were quite different in most regards. Monet’s new style was generally accepted by critics and the public. When presenting new paintings, Manet was scorned. Manet chose to paint far more controversial topics. Monet stuck to landscapes for the most part. Overall, Monet’s brushwork was far different from Manet’s loose but more linear style. Although they possess some similarities, the artworks of Manet and Monet are largely contrasting.